Sunday, February 13, 2011

Auto Insurance in Florida

Auto Accidents

If one lives in Florida and is shopping for equitable Florida car insurance; one should research all the markets, either online or otherwise. If one wants the biggest bang for his money, research the available companies, but also the differences in what they cover for the price they offer. Using the market is the best way to get custom fit Florida auto insurance that caters to each individual’s needs. As do most states in the U.S., Florida law requires at minimum, personal injury liability coverage. The minimum limit of coverage in Florida is$10,000.
Moreover, Florida as many states do, offers ‘no fault car insurance’.

In this somewhat virulent, down sliding economy, we all want to get the best deal for our money. If one is young and naive, or older and accident prone; one may consider the option of getting ‘no fault car insurance’. The advantage of this is monetary relief should one get in an accident, whether it be your fault or the other driver’s. The disadvantage if one is a conscientious, careful driver with few priors might be the limited ability to sue the other party for damages if the other party is actually at fault. Culpability is naturally lessened, hence the term ‘no fault insurance’.

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